Saturday, November 3, 2007


Welcome to one and all, and lemme just make this very clear. I know the reason why you are here
1) Either you are a friend or relative who dint want to hurt my feelings so just came to visit once so that in case i do ask if you ever saw my blog you wont be cluless. Pheww what a long sentence. I thank you inadvance and warn you to go about your job carefully. I might ask you a "trick" question.
2) You are someone who has too much time or just googled a random word and was forwarded to this blog. well still welcome.

And ya a notice to all, my verbal skills are more than exemplary, to the extent that i do not use many words in my day to day life(i stick to a small vocabulary which i have not updated since std 10th) So bear with me through this frustrating period of life because you may be very very intellectual compared to others but the URL link says my name not yours. So i came up with the idea to start my own blog and as every one of us mortals on this planet desires i too desire my blog to have a "dhansoo" start. So i came up with the the more reasonable option of finding a good name for the blog. And as the ever reliable google came to help again, i find this word Inaniloquent. Well actually it was in a list of 20 weird words

and i hav painstakingly done the ctrl-C... ctrl-V for you all.

1. Erinaceous
2. Lamprophony
3. Depone
4. Finnimbrun
5. floccinaucinihilipilification
6. Inaniloquent
7. Limerance
8. Mesonoxian
9. Mungo
10. Nihilarian
11. Nudiustertian
12. Phenakism
13. Pronk
14. Pulveratricious
15. Rastaquouere
16. Scopperloit
17. Selcouth
18. Tyrotoxism
19. Widdiful
20. Zabernism

And if you know the meaning of more than 10 words in this list then give yourself 200 pts. nah make it 300. I am in a generous mood. And now back to the word of the choice

Inaniloquent -- To babble

And what else to keep as a name rather than the perfect symbol of my most used part of the body, talk talk and more talk, dont think i am the king though, i face an intense competiotion from my class mates and people in my floor. Then was the point of finding a name for the post. The introductory post. And what better option than something which is a combination of the passion of my life(FOOTBALL) and the beginning involved in every game. Yes Einstein i said add 2+2 and the result is 4. Eureka...
I dont wanna bore you now with more crap than what you can take in a day. So thank you for reading my first post and feel free to revisit when the only other option you have is to go to the doctor to get sleeping pills.

PS: Now i know how it feels to come up with good compositions every week for a editor or somebody like that i am not sure. lol!!!!!

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